How Long Does miraDry® Last & Everything Else You Want To Know

woman working out in the park sweating (MODEL)

Excessive underarm sweating is an embarrassing and costly nuisance. It can cause you to avoid certain social and professional situations and ruin blouses and shirts. You’re not alone if you’ve tried every antiperspirant available to curtail sweat associated with hyperhidrosis, an excessive sweating disorder. Fortunately, miraDry is an FDA-approved, non-invasive solution.

People with hyperhidrosis usually have several questions about miraDry as a treatment option. In this post, we’ll answer the most common questions we hear at our medical spa.

How does miraDry work?

Using controlled electromagnetic energy, miraDry targets sweat and odor glands. The energy heats and destroys the glands while the device cools and protects the skin.

Can you benefit from miraDry?

If your excessive underarm sweating impacts your daily life, causing embarrassment in specific situations and forcing you to constantly buy new clothes to replace sweat-stained garments, miraDry may be a good solution for you.

You may benefit from miraDry treatment if:

  • You want a permanent solution for reducing underarm sweat and odor.
  • You desire a significant reduction in underarm sweat.
  • You’re looking for a non-invasive, toxin-free treatment.
  • You want to eliminate body odor and reduce underarm hair growth.
  • You want to improve your confidence in social situations.

At your consultation, we can discuss whether miraDry is a good option for your goals.

How long does miraDry last?

Once miraDry destroys the sweat glands, they’re gone for good. The results are permanent for most people, although you’ll likely need at least 2 treatment sessions to eliminate most underarm sweat glands.

How much does a miraDry treatment cost?

The cost of a miraDry treatment depends on various factors, including the number of treatments required and the location of your medical spa.

Does miraDry help with odor?

Yes, the FDA cleared miraDry to reduce sweat and odor. The treatment destroys the glands that produce sweat, which interacts with bacteria on the skin’s surface and results in body odor.

How many miraDry treatments are needed?

Many patients get the results they want after a single miraDry treatment, but some people may need 2 or more treatments to eliminate sweat and odor.

What is the success rate of miraDry?

The long-term sweat reduction achieved with miraDry treatments varies from person to person. On average, sweat is reduced by about 80% for hyperhidrosis patients after 2 treatments. Some patients needing more sweat reduction could benefit from a third treatment. 

Don’t you need sweat glands?

Sweating is a natural, healthy, and important bodily function, and without the ability to sweat, our bodies would overheat. Humans are born with approximately 2 million sweat glands to help us keep cool. Our underarms contain approximately 2% of these glands. After miraDry® permanently eliminates these underarm glands, your body will continue to sweat normally in other areas of the body. 

What are the side effects?

The procedure itself involves little to no discomfort. The provider numbs the underarm areas with a local anesthetic before the treatment, and most patients return to their regular activities, such as work, immediately. Some patients experience swelling, sensitivity in the treatment area, and bruising for several days.

If you avoid giving professional presentations or are tired of replacing expensive clothes because of sweat stains, miraDry treatments at The SPA at Southeastern Plastic Surgery, P.A. can help. Request a consultation using the online form or call us at (850) 219-2000 to schedule an appointment.

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