2030 Fleischmann Road
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850) 219-2000
Monday thru Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.–1 p.m.
Monday thru Thursday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Hair Restoration Before and After Pictures

Case #57
This patient did not like his hairloss, especially along his frontal hairline. He underwent a microfollicular hair transplantation with approximately 1700 grafts. Here he is seen thirteen months after the procedure. His hairli... Read More
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #58
Dr. Rosenberg performed a follicular unit extraction hair transplant on this 35 year old patient with a aggressively receding hairline. His before photos demonstrate how high his hair had receded.Afterwards, he has a strong hairline with... Read More
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #381
This is a 42-year-old male that underwent a microfollicular hair transplant. He is shown before the surgery, and then approximately 16 months after the surgery.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #331
This patient is a 66 year old female who has female pattern hair loss. Her goal of hair transplant was to have enough coverage so she did not need to wear a wig, especially during the hot, humid summer months in north Florida.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #61
59-year-old male who had loss of lateral eyebrows. Here he is shown at only six months, with an excellent result after eyebrow transplant. He will continue to have further growth and improvement.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration , Hair Transplant (Eyebrows)
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #302
36 year old patient was unhappy with the thinning of her eyebrows due to aging and over sculpting. She elected to undergo a hair transplant to her eyebrows to give her back her desired thickness and shape.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration , Hair Transplant (Eyebrows)
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #542
81 year old male patient who elected to have a traditional strip hair transplant. This filled in areas of thinning hair and gave him the look he desired.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Ben J. Kirbo, M.D.

Case #60
This 65 year old female patient was concerned about her gradually receeding hairline. She desired a thicker, fulller hairline. She underwent a traditional/ strip hair transplant with Dr. Rosenberg.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #382
This is a 38-year-old male who underwent a microfollicular hair transplant. He is shown before surgery, and then approximately one year after surgery. He should expect some more growth, for a few more months.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Hair Transplant
This 70-year-old patient underwent a hair transplant to make her hairline fuller. &... Read More
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Case #59
66 year old patient came to Southeastern Plastic Surgery
for revision surgery after having a Browlift from another plastic surgeon.She was very unhappy with the scar placement left from the previous surgeon’s work and wanted a hair tr... Read More
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.

Hair Transplant
71 year old male who underwent a hair transplant. He is less than 1 year out. He already has substantial growth and improvement. He should expect continued hair density improvement for another 4 months.
Procedure(s): Hair Restoration
Provider: Laurence Z. Rosenberg, M.D.